The Franco and Dana Harris Scholars of The Pittsburgh Promise is a named scholarship to honor the incredible impact that Franco and Dana Harris have had on The Pittsburgh Promise. Franco and Dana Harris have given more to The Promise than we can put into words. When Franco unexpectedly passed, we were humbled when his family selected The Pittsburgh Promise to receive memorial contributions and were overjoyed when we received more than $100,000 in memorial gifts to honor him. We knew that with these gifts we must establish a scholarship in their name. We hope that this named scholarship can continue until 2028 and that it can represent the lasting legacy of the Harris family! Five students have been selected as the 2023 Harris Scholars of The Pittsburgh Promise. Harris Scholars will receive a typical Promise scholarship and will not receive additional funds. Students who receive this recognition will be featured on billboards throughout the region and be invited to networking opportunities, similar to our Executive Scholars program. Congratulations to the 2023 class of Franco and Dana Harris Scholars of The Pittsburgh Promise: Justin, Evan, Roz, Ronald, and Niya! To contribute to future classes of Harris Scholars- Click Here!