

Because of their commitment to the vitality of our region and the strength of our city, Keepers of The Promise operate exclusively to support and promote the work of The Pittsburgh Promise by increasing visibility and awareness, developing or deepening friendships with donors, and assisting in supporting fundraising efforts through community outreach.

Keepers of the promise logo

Join The Keepers

The Keepers of The Promise invite you to become a part of their team to ensure the success of The Promise.

The requirements for participation are very simple:

  • An annual financial contribution of $600 per couple or $300 per individual is required.
  • You help to grow the number of Keepers by spreading the word. You are asked to bring 2 or more new couples or individuals into our group.
  • You will be invited to special events, a minimum of two each year, designed to be unique social and educational opportunities specifically for the Keepers.
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